moorcock|moorcocks in English


male red grouse (type of wild chicken)

Use "moorcock|moorcocks" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "moorcock|moorcocks" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "moorcock|moorcocks", or refer to the context using the word "moorcock|moorcocks" in the English Dictionary.

1. 1876, Robert Burns, Tam Samson's Elegy: Ye Cootie moorcocks

2. He knew that if Sly Moorcock could not sort out those Abs, he damn well could.

3. Animals: AARDVARK, ALPACA, AMADAVAT or Avadavat (Indian song bird), BLACK MAMBA (snake), CARACAL (lynx), CARACARA (vulture-like bird), MATAMATA (a turtle), HELLBENDER (salamander), LEVERET (young hare), TREECREEPER (bird), TREE SHREW, INDRIS (a lemurine animal), SISKIN (bird), KOODOO or COODOO (antelope), MOORCOCK (bird), POTOROO (kangaroo-rat), …